Newsletter no. 1 (English version)
finally - with a delay of more than a year - the second issue of TENEBRARUM is available. Since some readers couldn't open the HTML e-mail announcing the first issue, I confine myself to a pure text mail this time. Pictures can be found on the flyer (see attachment) and on my new homepage:
TENEBRARUM number two examines Marino Girolami's "Zombie Holocaust" in great detail. On 84 pages you will find all the info you want on this trash classic, plus the largest amount of posters, lobby cards and stills ever presented from this film. Highlights include the complete German lobby card set, the complete Italian fotobusta set (probably prensented in its entirety for the first time) and the rare Japanese lobby set. Many of the stills shown in this issue cannot be found in any book or magazine dealing with the Italian horror classics.
The tremendous delay has been caused not only by technical problems, but also because of several extensions and rewritings of the text. Especially the contact with leading actor Ian McCulloch was a great enrichment, and since my aim is to get the most out of every subject I am working on, I am sure that the delay is justified by the result.
This time around, there are two editions of the magazine. While the magazine itself is the same, regardless of whether you buy the standard edition or the "collector's edition", the latter comes with two additional booklets. These booklets are called "TENEBRARUM presents Zombi Holocaust as promoted in Thailand/Spain". When I did the first magazine, I realized that I had to decide whether or not I should include each and every lobby card and still available on "Cannibal Holocaust". This would have meant that several images would have been printed numerous times, making the magazine look like a stamp album. While this probably wouldn't be very interesting for many readers, I am sure that collectors like lobby card sets to be presented in their entirety. That's how the idea for "TENEBRARUM presents ..." came up. The booklet on the promotion material from Spain shows the complete lobby card set and the poster. The middle pages of the pressbook are presented, with the advertising slogans translated into English and German. The booklet on the promotional material from Thailand also shows the complete - and extremely rare - lobby card set and the poster. Again, all the advertising slogans have been translated. The magazines each consist of eight color pages (on heavy stock paper).
Since I like the concept of this booklet, I have already finished three more issues. "TENEBRARUM presents Mangiati vivi! as promoted in Spain" (8 color pages) again shows the complete lobby card set and the poster. The middle pages of the pressbook are presented, with the advertising slogans translated into English and German. An absolute highlight of the series is without a doubt "TENEBRARUM presents Cannibal Holocaust as promoted in Italy". This issue consists of no less than 20 color pages. It presents the posters and the complete fotobusta set. I also examined the influences of the Italian promotional material on the advertising campaign for "Cannibal Holocaust" from other countries plus the promotion for other films. On top of that there is a one-of-a-kind in-depth analysis of the remarkable Italian trailer, spread over nine pages. The most comprehensive issue yet is called "TENEBRARUM presents L'aldila as promoted in Germay". Probably for the first time ever, the complete lobby card set, consisting of 24 cards including three cards that have not been approved for public display, is presented together with two posters, two pressbooks, video covers and rare advertising material. There are articles on the censorship of the publicity material, the trailer, the design of the poster and more ... This issue consists of 32 color pages! With this publication (and with a wonderful collection of large printings; more on this below) TENEBRARUM celebrates the 30th anniversary of Lucio Fulci's masterpiece. If this concept is accepted by the readers, there will be more issues of "TENEBRARUM presents ..." in a not too distant future.
The price of the standard editon of the "Zombi Holocaust" magazine is EUR 12/$18, while the collector's edition is sold at EUR 17/$25 (both prices do not include postage). TENEBRARUM number one ("Cannibal Holocaust") is still available, the price is EUR 12/$18. The complete set of five "TENEBRARUM presents ..." issues costs EUR 20/$30. Single issues can be ordered at the price of EUR 3/$5 (8 pages) or EUR 6/$9 (20 pages) or EUR 8/$12 a piece.
TENEBRARUM collection:
The TENEBRARUM collection is yet another new project. Even though large pictures, spread over two pages, are quite impressive in a magazine, the fold kind of ruins this impression. I also thought that some readers might want to put large photos on the wall, without destroying the magazine. This is why I came up with the idea of the "TENEBRARUM collection".
The "TENEBRARUM collection" presents selected images (selected not only by image, but also by the resolution and quality of the available material) from a film in large format prints. There are two different versions of each collection. The "standard edition" consists of 12 prints, while the number of images in the "limited extended edition" varies. The word "limited" should be taken serious in this case. The front images are numbered from no. 1 to no. 20!
Already available:
Cannibal Holocaust ("standard edition": 12 images plus cover and back cover; "limited extended edition: 31 images plus cover and back cover)
Mangiati vivi! ("standard edition": 12 images plus cover and back cover; "limited extended edition: 33 images plus cover and back cover)
Cannibal Ferox ("standard edition": 12 images plus cover and back cover; "limited extended edition": 30 images plus cover and back cover)
L'aldila ("standard edition: 12 images plus cover and back cover; "limited extended edition": 32 images plus cover and back cover)
The price of each standard edition is EUR 26/$38, the limited extended editions cost EUR 78/$112.
There are also one sheet posters (approx. 23" x 33") available of the covers of the TENEBRARUM collections of "Cannibal Holocaust" and "Cannibal Ferox". These posters have primarily been printed to promote the collections, so there is only a VERY limited number available. The same has been done with the photos used for these covers (the impaled girl and Zora Kerova hanging around), without the TENEBRARUM logo. Please contact me if you are interested in these posters.
I would like to ask every collector who owns rare material on Italian horror movies and gialli, to get in touch with me. I am constantly looking for high resolution scans. Future TENEBRARUM projects include Lucio Fulci's "Zombi 2", Andrea Bianchi's "Notti del terrore" (aka "Burial Ground") and Umberto Lenzi's "Mangiati vivi!" aka "Eaten Alive", so if you have any material on these films that you would like to find in TENEBRARUM, please let me know. If I can use your material, your name will be mentioned and you will get a free copy.
TENEBRARUM is a non commercial magazine. Since the expenses are high and the number of copies printed is low, I cannot afford any fancy promotion campaign. That's why I would like to ask you to forward this email to anyone who might be interested in horror movies. And if you like the magazine, please express your thoughts in horror movie forums or add my homepage to your list of links. I need your support to be able to continue with this mag! Attached you will find banners you may use on your website/blog and a flyer.
If you don't want to receive more emails from me, please let me know and I will delete your name from my list. Thanks.
Martin Beine